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Breast Augmentation: Patient 144
This is a 37-year-old female who originally had breast augmentation by another surgeon. She came to see me with an interesting story about her experience. She explained that originally she had received 350cc moderate profile implants and that these left her feeling as if she had huge breasts that were too large for her frame. She tells me it was far more volume than she originally had agreed to and yet this is what her surgeon decided to use once she was in the operating room. She hated her result so much that she eventually returned to the operating room to have the implants removed. Several years passed and she had a close friend who came to me for breast enhancement. She watched her result and was so impressed that she came to see me. She was willing to get implants again and we met on multiple occasions to try to determine size that would please her. We used sizers in bras. We used Vectra 3D imaging. We looked at goal photos of other patients. Most importantly, I got to know her and tried to understand her goals. This is very important. Communication is key as if I don't know what you want, it's hard to deliver it! Frankly sometimes I don't think some patients going into this know what size they want. Discussions about size and looking at goal photographs help the conversation immensely. She is shown before and after placement of 305cc silicone gel implants. She is extremely happy about her results and loves her size!
Technique: Rapid Recovery Silicone Breast Augmentation
- Age: Between 25 and 35 years old
- Weight: Between 115 and 125 pounds
- Height: 5'8" to 5'11"
- Gender: Female
- Implant Type: Highly Cohesive Gel
- Implant Shape: Round
- Implant Incision: Inframammary
- Volume: Between 300cc and 350cc
- Implant Profile: Moderate Plus
- Implant Placement: Submuscular
- Pre-Surgery Bra Size: A
- Post-Surgery Bra Size: C