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Hair Removal Season – Act now to get ready for the Jersey Shore this year!

This is the time of year when the lasers really get warmed up to remove hair from unwanted places prior to Summer!

Laser hair removal typically takes 5 or 6 treatments to achieve a significant long-term reduction in the amount of hair.

The most popular areas I treat are for women are axillae (armpits,) the bikini area, lips and chins, and for men their backs.

If you are considering laser hair removal, now is the time to get ready for the Jersey Shore this Summer!

We offer laser hair removal in both our locations. Call the office at 856-797-0202 for information about pricing/packages in Cherry Hill! If you’re looking for a convenient downtown Philadelphia location for your hair removal treatments, check out our Society Hill office, Sorokin on the Square and our page on laser hair removal.