Picosecond is an extremely short, fast pulse of light energy — meaning one-trillionth of a second. The lasers’ spot sizes can be adjusted from narrow to wide for increased precision.
When directed at a tattoo, the laser energy harmlessly passes through the outer skin. The energy essentially impacts the tattoo ink, breaking it down into even smaller particles than previous nanosecond lasers could achieve. This technology allows the body’s natural processes to eliminate the tiny ink particles more rapidly.
After a single treatment, some people experience as much as 50% tattoo removal. Picosecond technology decreases the amount of treatment sessions from as many as 15 to 20 to as few as 4 to 8. While laser tattoo removal is not pain-free, treatments typically feel similar to the original tattooing procedure. After Dr. Sorokin has removed your tattoo, it is permanently erased.
The number of treatments required and the degree of pain you feel will depend on the location of the tattoo, its size, and the colors of the tattoo.
Dr. Sorokin will very commonly treat different portions of colorful tattoos with the different lasers we offer. He works hand in hand with our laser technician, Masha who has been working with Dr. Sorokin for years and is expert in laser tattoo and laser hair removal.
To avoid hyperpigmentation, it’s important to have laser tattoo removal when the skin is not tanned. You also will need to avoid sun exposure while the treated skin is healing.