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Saline vs Silicone

Each has distinct advantages. Both help fulfill dreams.

Saline versus Silicone is one of the first thing breast augmentation patients compare when choosing choice breast augmentation. Saline vs silicone is a choice between breast implants filled with saline (salt water) or silicone gel. Silicone breast implants have become the implant of choice in the U.S. because they provide results that are more natural looking and feeling than saline. In fact, in the majority (over 95%) of breast augmentation procedures Dr. Sorokin performs, patients choose silicone breast implants.

In Philadelphia, women trust Dr. Sorokin to provide pleasing results without compromise to their safety. He uses strictly FDA-approved silicone implants made by reputable manufacturers.

Do you want to learn more about breast implants? Talk with Dr. Sorokin when you request a consultation. You can also call to schedule your appointment.

Saline vs Silicone Safety

After a long and troubled history, silicone breast implants returned to the U.S. market as FDA-approved medical devices in 2006. Dr. Sorokin was delighted because his breast augmentation patients had more choices when it came to implant type. The FDA has approved silicone gel implants from Allergan, Mentor, and Sientra as safe and effective medical devices.

Today’s Choices

Breast implant manufacturers continue to refine their products to improve safety and enhance quality. The silicone breast implants that Dr. Sorokin uses today are safe and provide high quality results. Patients can choose from:

  • Cohesive silicone gel is soft, thick and gooey. These implants have an elastic silicone outer shell that is resistant to ruptures or tears. These are 4th generation implants which many surgeons still use extensively.
  • The newer, more highly cohesive implants known as “Gummy Bears” are 5th generation. Sorokin no longer uses 4th generation devices and suggests that you ask your surgeon specifically what type of implant will be used. As far as Dr. Sorokin is concerned, there are newer better options and not all “cohesive gel” is “gummy.”
  • These “Gummy Bear Implants” have different pros and cons and Dr. Sorokin will discuss specific advantages based on your starting breasts and desired goals. These implants are more durable, offer better shape retention, and in the event of a rupture the gel is less likely to migrate.
  • Shaped, Textured implants- Allergan Natrelle® shaped 410 implants were removed from the market in 2019 due to a rare potential association with lymphoma. There are textured shaped implants still available from Mentor and Sientra but Dr. Sorokin will not use textured implants due to the ALCL lymphoma association. Dr. Sorokin will only use smooth shelled devices.
  • Saline breast implants continue to be available as well, and can be an appropriate choice in certain instances. In the saline category there are traditional saline implants as well as the newer structured breast implant, the “Ideal Implant.”  While the structured implant is more expensive than traditional saline, it is basically a modification of the saline implant.
  • Structured Saline Implants known as the Ideal Implant.  The Ideal Implant was a structured saline breast implant.  The idea was that the saline was contained in separate chambers inside the implant and it was supposed to feel more like a silicone implant.  The implant never caught on and was taken off of the market in 2023.

Dr. Sorokin will evaluate your individualized needs and help you compare saline vs silicone and make the most satisfying implant choice.

Saline vs Silicone Comparison

There’s no right option when it comes to choosing silicone or saline breast implants. Each type option offers its own advantages and disadvantages which include:

Silicone Implants

  • Advantages: Provide a natural look and feel; provide good results for patients with little natural breast tissue; hold their shape better.
  • Disadvantages: Make ruptures difficult to detect; more expensive than saline; For cosmetic use must be age 22 or older, for reconstruction can be 18 years old.

Saline Implants

  • Disadvantages: Can ripple, wrinkle and slosh; feel firmer than silicone
  • Advantages: Less expensive than silicone; leaks are immediately noticeable