For the first few days after the procedure, your abdominal area may be swollen and you may feel some discomfort, which can be controlled by medication. You will have a drain, which we’ll teach you how to use, for about a week. Dr. Sorokin uses “Exparel” which is a long-lasting 72-hour anesthetic on all of his tummy tucks to minimize the pain involved in the procedure. Dr. Sorokin will provide you with detailed instructions for showering and changing your bandages. In addition, Dr. Sorokin encourages you to start walking as soon as possible, and normal activities generally can be resumed in 3 weeks, though heavy exercise should be avoided until at least 6 weeks. The stitches will be removed shortly after your surgery.
It may take a month or two before you can engage in all your usual activities, and your body may need up to a year to completely adapt to the new abdominal configuration. Your scars may actually look worse during the first 3 to 6 months as they heal, but this is normal. After about 9 months, your scars should begin to flatten out and lighten in color. Thankfully, abdominal scars will not show under most clothing, including bathing suits. With proper diet and exercise you will be able to enjoy the results of your surgery for many years.