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kristen bio

Hi, my name is Kristen and you can usually find me at the checkout desk in Cherry Hill. Prior to working with Dr. Sorokin, I had worked with a husband and wife Oculoplastic surgery team for 13 years. Joining the team here at DVPS in January of 2021 has been an exciting transition and one in which I learn something new nearly every day. I enjoy spending my free time with family and friends.

What I love most about working at DVPS is: 

  • I truly love Dr. Sorokin and the incredible team of people that I get to work with each day. I feel lucky to have them not just as co-workers, but as personal friends.

My most unique personality trait is:

  • I have a unique ability to insert sarcasm at the worst possible time and have an incredibly dry sense of humor.

What I can’t live without:

  • A few things that I can’t live without are my vinyl record collection, red wine, the beach and Amazon Prime!